Company Profile

Ningbo International Logistic Develpment Co., Ltd. is an integrated logistics service provider based on Internet and information technology, led by Ningbo Municipal Government and invested by  Ningbo Customs,  Ningbo Transportation Investment Holding Co. and other units.

Logistic on the Chain is a sub-brand of Ningbo International Logistics Development Co., Ltd. and is mainly committed to the continuous output of smart lock related equipment and technology, supporting system development, operation and management services, integrated solutions; to carry out deep and multi-dimensional extensive cooperation with partners to rapidly form a scale, create value together and open up a broad application scene for the Internet of Things.

  • Our market positioning: to be the service provider of first-class logistics tracking products, services and integrated solutions.
  • Our target market: based on and further deepen and expand the customs-related industries; constantly innovate and explore other commercial applications.